Silence: A Poem

Written by Whitney R. Simpson

Silence is a gift but one that many of us refuse to claim a our own. Why? What gets in the way? This poem offers an honest reflection from my own journey and how I'm learning to befriend silence.

Silence by Whitney R. Simpson

She is my companion

yet I avoid her gaze

She is my teacher

yet I push back at her instruction

She is my guide

yet I veer from her course

She is my friend

yet I wonder why she comes near

She is my gift

and I long to savor her more fully

She is inviting me to a oneness with God, you hear her?

Why not?

I avoid her gaze

because at first she looks lonely

I push back at her instruction

because of my own agenda

I veer from her course

because I am easily distracted

I wonder why she comes near

because there is always another choice

Yet I long to savor her

like never before

And once I say yes to her

I receive an awareness I never knew

​she could introduce to me

She is my companion,

my teacher,

my guide,

my friend

She is God's gift


Whitney R. Simpson is the Founder of Exploring Peace Ministries. She is a soul care practitioner, helping others reach their fullest human potential as they explore the gift of God’s peace.

Whitney is a trained spiritual director, experienced yoga and meditation teacher, and the author of Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit and Fully Human, Fully Divine: An Advent Devotional for the Whole Self.

Whitney holds space for others to meet God through embodied spirituality and the ministry of spiritual formation.

Discover more of her ministry offerings at and join her online community. You can connect with Whitney directly at and


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