Welcome to The Imperfect Journey! 

"Life is imperfect. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth we transcend it.”

M. Scott Peck from The Road Less Traveled

For those of you who are new, I am thrilled you have found your way to The Imperfect Journey! If you have been traveling with me for some time, thank you for your support and encouragement along the way. 

The Imperfect Journey started six years ago! 

How did it begin? My youngest son was a junior in high school, and my older two were off at college. After being a stay-at-home mom for 20 years, I was looking for what was next. I jokingly told my family, "maybe I will start a blog." And I did. But here's the thing—I only shared it with them. Yes, you heard that right. I wrote posts and shared them with my husband, my kids, and no one else. I kept writing and eventually felt brave enough to expand my circle of readers to family, friends, and strangers too!

What is an Imperfect Journey? 

Life. Life is an Imperfect Journey. My life is no exception. My childhood journey was so tumultuous that I felt broken and far from perfect. I wondered how I could heal, transform and become whole after such a rocky start. But I was determined to find a way! And I did.

You can read the full story in the About Me section.

My Imperfect Journey.

There are many ways to begin the journey of healing, growth, and transformation. The quote below by M. Scott Peck from The Road Less Traveled was a turning point for me. In reading this quote day after day, I freed myself from the burden of trying to achieve the perfect life. I could move in the direction of a life transformed little by little, step by step. I opened the door and allowed healing in. Peck uses the word “difficult” to describe life. I replaced “difficult” with “imperfect” because I find it more hopeful. Difficult feels insurmountable, but imperfect is possible! 

"Life is imperfect. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is imperfect - once we truly understand and accept it - then life no longer has to be perfect. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is imperfect no longer matters." 

Imperfections shape and transform us into who we were created to be. The Imperfect Journey offers a path of healing, transformation, and wholeness. By combining faith with a personal growth mindset, we can overcome obstacles and live wholly as God created us to be.

Let's walk The Imperfect Journey together!

Please, take a look around and explore The Imperfect Journey. I have gathered valuable faith and personal growth resources in The Transformational Toolkit. These are resources to help YOU grow and transform on your Imperfect Journey.

As I mentioned, I started my blog in 2017, and it lives on in this new space. You can read my latest posts on The Imperfect Journey Blog or visit older posts by clicking this link. I love to write, but what I love more is sharing my words with you! On the blog, you can find a dose of inspiration to take with you on your Imperfect Journey.

I also created The Imperfect Journey Community as a safe space to share your experiences and know that you are not alone on your Imperfect Journey. I invite you to share your story privately, through a guest blog post, or via creative expression. As author and researcher Brené Brown reminds us, "One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will become someone else's survival guide."

Traveling forward on The Imperfect Journey 

I would love to hear from you! Do you have a resource that has helped you on your journey? The Transformational Toolkit is a work in progress, and I am always looking for new tools. Want to share your story? You can do this privately or through a guest blog post. Have feedback or want to say hello? Please reach out to me at info@theimperfectjourney.org.

I will send out a short newsletter each month with hope, inspiration, and resources. See the information below for more details on how to receive it.

Blessings for Healing, Growth, and Transformation on YOUR Imperfect Journey!

Walking the Journey with You,


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Make sure to check junk, spam, or promotions if you do not receive an email. You can always reach out to me at info@theimperfectjourney.org

Lastly, if you know someone who would enjoy The Imperfect Journey, share the Link! Fellow travelers are always welcome!


Perfection Paralysis


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